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If you enjoy the mountains, then the territory of Orduña has two of the most iconic peaks in the whole of Biscay province: Txarlazo and Iturrigorri.

If these two summits, of medium difficulty, are not on your list of favourite places, they will be by the time you have finished your walk. We will tell you how to set about these two climbs, which we are sure you will enjoy.

TXARLAZO – Birding route

Along the way you will walk on one of the historical routes that acted as a link between the Castilian plateau and the ports of the Bay of Biscay.

The walk up starts at the Sanctuary of La Antigüa, where you will find the first panel.

The trail is signposted as a route for observing birds, with red and white marks. The Sierra Sálvada area is a wonderful environment for cliff-nesting birds, particularly the peregrine falcon, the Egyptian vulture and the griffon vulture, which are among the most spectacular and best known species to be found here.

Walking up the slope, you will enter into beech forest, and this haunting space provides shade all through the year as you walk up the side of the ridge. On the way is the Goldetxo spring, whose chill waters are guaranteed to offer refreshment.

At the top you will be at an altitude of 927 metres and you can enjoy the views of the valley and the surrounding hills from the monument of the Virgin of Orduña, which crowns the silhouette of Txarlazo.

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ITURRIGORRI/TOLOGORRI – The prow of Gorobel-Sálvada

This route begins at the village of Lendoñogoiti where there is a small car park in which you can leave your vehicle.

This path has no signage, but the junctions and forks have piles of stones to indicate the correct route. This trail is well-travelled at weekends and on holidays.

At 1068 metros, Iturrigorri, or Tologorri as it is also known, is topped by a massive rocky crest that evokes the prow of a colossal ship. The name of the summit comes from a spring that rises nearby: just reward for your efforts in making the climb.

The walk takes you through beech woods to the famous Senda Negra, or Black Path, which is a slow rise along a narrow path with a steep drop on one side. The views are unbeatable, and the experience is not one you will soon forget.

This walk takes around two hours. If it is always a pleasure to get to the summit of a mountain, in the case of Iturrigorri the sensation is particularly gratifying, since from the prow of this particular ship you can survey a large part of the Basque Country, with its infinite hills and valleys. In fact, this peak is the only part of the crest of the Sálvada ridge that belongs to the municipality of Orduña, and therefore lies within the Basque Country.

If you want to do a circular walk, then you can continue along the ridge and come back down from the other side of Iturrigorri, completing the experience and the satisfaction.